Saturday, November 27, 2010

Dear Diary 2

31-10-'95. Tuesday. Windy.

Dear Diary,

If you want to ask me anything, please ask it in dream. And make sure that I remember it when I woke up.

1-11-'95. Wednesday. Hot day.

Dear Diary, today I am so unlucky. My hand has 2 scars on it because my friend accidentally make it. And my friend step onto my leg. And my brother always scold me. I think this day is especially a punishment for me. Whatever I had done wrong maybe I don't realize it. Last night I have many dreams. It is so strange. I can't remember anything about it when I woke up. I only remember that I had many strange dreams. Maybe it's you.

Your writer,
(my signature at 10-year-old)


Anonymous said...

You might like this song. There is an english translation.

lince said...

haha... sweet. =)