Friday, October 28, 2005

Of Epiphanies

20 years of life, learning, verses, and thoughts:

1. charm is deceptive, beauty is fleeting. A woman who fears the Lord deserves to be praised.
2. yet i am still vain.
3. guys have egos. but girls have pride.
4. i like crooked teeth. and no... i don't have them myself. pls don't wear braces.
5. i dun eat apple. or tofu. or spaghetti.
6. practise random acts of kindness and senseless acts of beauty.
7. if a girl falls for a guy, i really hope the guy catches her fall.
8. one of the worst feelings is to have pple whom u care to not care.
9. i take v long to reply sms and sometimes i dun even reply. i need to change.
10. do unto others what you want others to do unto you.
11. voices need to be heard.
12. dance like noone's watching. sing like noone's listening. love like you're not going to get hurt. live like there's no tomorrow.
13. the heart is deceitful. be careful. guard it for it is the wellspring of life.
14. i love to write.
15. i oscillate between pride and condemnation. both are one of my greatest struggles.
16. i am not better than you. neither am i worse than you. don't judge. don't self-condemn. we are equally loved, and equally worthy in His sight.
17. Thank God for that!
18. i love girls. girlfriends are one of the greatest gifts ever.
19. i need to have enough sleep.
20. i think it's relatively easy to not do bad things, but harder to do good.
21. likewise, it's relatively easy not to hate, but it's harder to love.
22. i mean love, as in not just those people that are lovable. but to love those that are not lovable in my sight.
23. love God, love others, love your neighbours, love your enemies. as yourself.
24. because He first loves us.
25. the rich and the poor has this in common. the Lord is the maker of them all.
26. likewise, take away "the rich " and "the poor". fill the blanks with you and someone else. try fitting it in with someone you don't like, despise or judge. try again with someone whom you envy. the sentence'll still work.
27. i am a christian who happens to be a student. not a student who happens to be a christian.
28. God listens.
29. our understanding is so limited. but His words and ways are higher than ours.
30. trust Him.
31. the fruit of the spirit is love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness and self-control.
32. ask yourself today if you bear His fruit.
33. i am a child and a sister.
34. i want to be a wife and a mother one day. if it's in His plan.
35. i expect alot from my family and friends. i don't know if tt's good or bad...
36. don't listen to sad songs when you are sad. it's not theraupatic. it just gives you an avenue to sink deeper.
37. i don't want to treasure things less just because i have more.
38. dun make promises which u can't keep.
39. even if you think you can, try not to.
40. talk less.
41. only 2 things will not perish. the souls of Man and His word. that's the things that matter... people and Him.
42. not money, not fame, not power. these will only leave us dissatisfied, and feeling empty.
43. there'll always ups and downs.
44. hold on to the promise of eternity. have hope. be patient. don't give up.


Anonymous said...

haha long long list.

my personal face is 12 and 36 =D

Anonymous said...

did i say face? i meant fave.. as in favourite...

rita said...

i love number 12. Miss you lots. Muacks.