Monday, January 15, 2007

do you feel tired carrying me on your back?
i must be quite a pain... it must be super tiring especially when i struggle so much. just cant stop resisting and wanting to walk on my own. other times i fight so hard... just so that you'll carry me the other way.
i can imagine you sweating. struggling too. to keep me still. trying to reassure me. trying to reprimand. trying to tell me that everything is in control. everything's going to be okay.
it's so ironic. now that i'm feeling tired, now that i have no more energy to fight, i suddenly feel so sleepy.
and only now, i am finally willing to rest on your shoulders. i dont really care anymore where you are taking me.
when will you ever get tired of me?


Anonymous said...

Thank u llince:)
for reminding me of things i often forget..

lince said...
