Sunday, May 27, 2012

the world is full of pretty things, and it makes me happy.

my school contract is ending this september, and i'll have to decide by june if i were to stay. people have started to ask what my answer would be, and i've been saying i don't know, which is truly what i feel.

different people have different opinions on whether i should stay or go, and i'm asking the Lord to show me the signs.

this may sound silly to you, but the lalang and bamboo along the narrow street outside school seemed to beckon me each morning on my way in. my two favourite grass in the world- and they choose to lie prettily where i pass, it's like a sweet morning hello from the Lord. the sun lit them so perfectly at the morning angle that i cannot help but look.

that makes me happy, and i wonder if they beckon me to stay.

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